Wednesday, June 29, 2011

eTips & UDL Reflection

Reflecting on Dexter's eTips article, the added value for the uses of technology can be linked to both in the classroom and school-wide environments.  Within the classroom, the value for technology has to do with individual student needs, like allowing them to see or hear their works for a better chance to edit.  As well as, having an audience where students can evaluate each other in a non-competitive way.  School-wide technology can be useful for staff, faculty, and administration because it keeps people connected even behind closed doors.  Overbooking a conference room or after-school event will be caught through an online calendar or school website.
This all links to UDL (Universal Design Learning) because UDL is the belief that all students should be provided with equal opportunities for learning with their best interests and styles at the forefront.  Students need to be encouraged to use a learning plan design for their individual needs where they can excel in every content area because they had the flexibility to use the medium that is best suited for them.
I believe that teachers need to work hardest in this area to provide students with the opportunity to succeed in the best way they know how to.  In this realm, Multiple Intelligences could be used to work with UDL and provide students with a safe place to work with technology and "add value" to their individualized curriculum!  

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