Wednesday, June 29, 2011

IConn Reflection

This is a photograph of a Kindergarten student in Australia.  As I researched on IConn students must be 5 years old to begin Kindergarten in Australia.  I have found that IConn has many resources that may be of use to me.  Not only do they have over 1,000 resources for a search in Kindergarten, but they also have many many more in science.  I believe IConn can help bridge the Digital Divide in Connecticut because everyone can have access to multimedia whether they belong to one town's library or another, or do not have access to a library.  If someone can get on the computer, in school or at work, they can be provided with this wealth of information when they need it.  I also feel that there will be more Digital Equality because there are no boundaries to who can or cannot view this information.  Students, no matter their socio-economic, racial, or ethnic background, will be provided with the same opportunities in education and information research capabilities as the students surrounding them in their own communities or across the borders of towns and cities in this state.

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